Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I finally wore shorts.....

Since I gained all the weight that I have, I have not worn shorts out of the house.  I will wear long shorts (come down to the knees), capris, or pants.  Well, I finally wore shorts the other day, and it was not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "you wore shorts, that's no big deal."  But, if you know me, it is a big deal.  I am extremely uncomfortable with the way my thighs look, especially since I have stretch marks from all the weight gain.  So, this was a very big deal to me.

I am excited that I can wear shorts now and not feel too uncomfortable.  But, I cannot wait for the day that I will be completely happy in my skin and not worrying about how I look in what I am wearing.


Fort Living Room said...

I found your blog today through 20sb! Awesome job on the weight loss so far and on getting out in shorts. It really is the little things.

Kayla Yow said...

Thank you very much! It is the little things that make it all worth while!


Irene said...

I also experienced having weight issues in the past. But now, I really don't care that much if my arms look big or if my tummy bulges. It really feels good to feel comfortable in one's own skin. You'll reach that stage, I'm pretty sure. :-)

Kayla Yow said...

Thank you, Irene. That is really all I want. I want to be healthy and feel comfortable in my own skin, even if it is not the norm or I am not culturally accepted. As long as I am comfortable, healthy, and have self-confidence, everything else will work itself out.