Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've been so bad....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - I have been enjoying time with my niece :)

She took her first real steps by herself the other night - yay! - and we have been trying to get her to walk by herself since then
But, she is too smart for that, so she just plops down on her butt & laughs :)

Over the past couple of days, I have lost 3.8 lbs b/c of her (you know - playing, running around, nerves)

In addition, I have failed to complete any kind of homework assignment or anything else b/c everytime I get on my computer she wants to jump in my lap to play on it with me!

So, now you know where I have been, but I promise I will be back, soon!

*I am still completing items from my "101 in 1001" list.  I am having so much fun doing this list.  I am really excited about all of it, and I am reading one of the books on my list. So, I will have some detailed posts coming up, including a book review or two!*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh this is soo cute! Isn't it adorable when their little wobbly legs are learning to walk! Just Wonderful!