We all love comments, right?!
But, we don't always get them.
Comments help us {bloggers} know that our readers enjoy what we are writing. Comments can offer constructive criticism {helpful hints & suggestions} about what we write and how we write.
So, why do so many people just view a blog post, but not comment on it? Maybe they are busy, maybe they clicked the link by accident, or maybe they do not know what to say. Who knows?
But, we don't always get them.
Comments help us {bloggers} know that our readers enjoy what we are writing. Comments can offer constructive criticism {helpful hints & suggestions} about what we write and how we write.
So, why do so many people just view a blog post, but not comment on it? Maybe they are busy, maybe they clicked the link by accident, or maybe they do not know what to say. Who knows?
{source} If someone comments on a blog post you have written, it is common courtesy to reply to their comment. Some bloggers like to reply to comments in the original blog post. Other bloggers prefer to reply to comments through e-mail, but this is hard to do when a blogger has not enabled their e-mail. {Here is a link over at Fabulous But Evil that explains how to enable your e-mail so that you can receive replies to comments through e-mail!} |
![]() |
And the last thing I want to put in this post is a Thank You to all of the individuals who have commented on my other two A to Z Challenge blog posts {Blogging: A is for Angle & Blogging: B = Bold}!
We love comments!
Great post
I know when I first started I read my heart out on blogs I followed but I didn't know it was blog etiquette to comment. :/ Good topic for anyone who may be new to blogging.
Since I blog about death with some controversial subjects thrown in, I've had blogs without one single comment. I know I'm getting traffic, but just as in the real world, many don't want to talk about death. You know, don't think about it and it will go away:) Well, it won't.
Great post! I know I love comments and I always try to comment on everyone who comments on me. Great tip about the email thing, I'm going to do that... it sounds much easier!
I feel very guilty about not commenting back, which is SO difficult to do right now as I travel.
I agree with all you said but those of us with time constraints (isn't that most of us...LOL!), it can be difficult.
When I leave a comment, 99% of the time I don't go back to see if there was a reply posted. I read/peruse hundreds of blogs on a variety of topics. I already get too many emails so I don't do the "follow comments" either.
Great post...going to enjoy more here I am sure!
I seem to struggle to get comments on my blog. I think that is part of why I signed up for the A to Z challenge this month. My hope is to get more readers of my blog, more comments, and more readers of my books! Thanks for sharing.
The email link only works if the other person also has their email 'visible' which many don't for fear of attracting masses of spam. I reply to everyone who comments on my blog but I wonder how many people come back to read my replies? I know lack of time limits my return to blogs where I have left comments. Also most people don't want their email to be visible for fear of attracting masses of spam.
Great post! I looooove comments. It gets the wheels turning! Nice to meet you and happy A to Z!
When I read blogs, if I don't comment, I try to do something else to leave my mark. I google + it or if they have the little boxes you can tick like "Love it" "Interesting" "Great post" I tick those.
I love getting comments!!! If I don't get any, it really makes me wonder if what I wrote that day is really sucky!!! But I have talked with people who say they read blogs through Google Reader on their phone and it is REALLY hard to comment that way.
I sometimes don't comment because I don't know what to say and I don't want to leave one of those insincere "great post" comments even if I do mean it. So I just don't comment but sometimes I can't comment since my blog is wordpress so if the URL option isn't enabled on the person's blog then it won't let me comment so that's something for bloggers to think about too. I've tried to comment on a few participants but couldn't because there wasn't an option for me to :(
I've never figured out how to reply through email - sometimes technology goes right over my head!
I like replying within the blog because it encourages dialogue - other people get to see the comment and the reply, and join in if they want to.
But now that blogger doesn't let you select to recieve emails in pop up boxes, getting an email means I don't miss replies.
So I suppose this just highlights I have mixed feelings! :-)
If I don't comment, sometimes it's because I have nothing useful (or humorous) to say. Sometimes there are already dozens of comments and I figure I'll share my comment love another day. And sometimes I just like to lurk, because I'm lazy. But mostly, it's because I don't get to the post until a week later and feel awkward leaving a comment when both the blogger and all the others readers have already moved on.
So, I don't comment every time. But I always respond.
Here's a comment and thanks for all the informative stuff on this C post! Very nice.
Thanks also for stopping in to say hi at the Write Game.
I love comments too although I am terrible about responding to them.
Nice post. I think it's also common curtsey to post a comment on anyone's blog who comments on yours. :)
Comments are like getting a pat on the back for contributing your thoughts to the world. Just as rewarding as getting a paycheck.
I can't imagine reading a post and not commenting on it. The interaction is what's so fun! My way of responding is to visit the commenter's blog & leave a comment of my own. :)
Great post. Why don't I leave comments on all posts? Because I don't always have something to say, or sometimes, I feel that what I have to say would just lead to an argument -- and I don't like conflict and will go far to avoid it. On the flip side, I wish I got more comments, and I do make a point of responding to anyone who comments, even if it's just to thank them for stopping by and reading.
First of all, thank you for commenting on my blog!
I now read so many posts in a day, often through a reader, that it just doesn't work for me to comment on everything. I click through and comment on posts that particularly struck me, or on ones that I feel I have something to contribute.
I also try to reply to all the comments left on my blog. I far prefer replies on the blog, and if I've said something that I think will inspire the blogger to respond to me, I will check back.
I confess that although I have a contact form on my blog, and my email address has to be included in the protocol for commenting on most blogs, I don't like getting replies to my comments by email. Just my own personal preference.
I like comments but try to pay it forward by visiting the commenter's blog and leaving a comment there. Occasionally I respond to comments on my own blog, but it's a trade-off in time.
Patricia Stoltey
Comments are what most bloggers live for. I'm a bit of an opposite these days, cos writing fiction on a daily basis to the AZ challenge makes me allergic to brickbats :).
Lovely post. As AZ hosts we've been trying to persuade everyone to disable word verification, and make it easier to subscribe to comments.
Look forward to your challenge run…
--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I have been reading a lot of blog post lately where this has been the topic, and I think it is avery important one at that. I love getting comments and I do respond back to all the ones I get. I also like to comment, but I do get frustrated sometimes when I have to do the word verification or jump through some sort of other hoops just in order to comment.
Thanks for posting about this, we need to get the word out that although reposting our links of posts you like on Twitter, +1, FB etc is very much appreciated we also like to see you comment right on our sites about our blogs, its more personal that way and we as bloggers have a better chance of getting to know who our readers are.
Stopped in to read your D post. I'll check again later. Have a wonderful DAY.
I have to second what Alyssa said. There have been some blogs that did not let me comment, after I had poured my thoughts into the dialog box, and that is really frustrating. I blog on Blogger, but I opened a WordPress account just so it would let me comment on those blogs. Otherwise, I couldn't.
Michelle Jones, I agree with you completely.Very well put.
I wonder if people don't comment sometimes because they don't think what they have to say is worthwhile. Little do they know...
Great post!
Yes, I think people tend to feel like they need to have something interesting/clever/witty to say before they comment. I know I'm only just getting used to commenting on other people's blog posts and not feeling like I have to come across as super-smart all the time.
Thanks for your comment on my blog, by the way :-)
Yes it is always nice to comment on the post you have read...because that is what we bloggers blog for right! To know that someone out there has ready and can relate in some way to what we shared.
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