Wednesday, February 2, 2011

3 workout sessions - 2 lbs gone!

On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, I completed the following workout:

Warm-up:  March in place (5 mins with 3 lb dumbbells)

CIRCUIT (8 lb kettlebell)
- 1 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- Kettlebell Clean & Press (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- 2 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10)
- 1 Arm Squat Press (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- 1 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- Halos (2 sets of 10)
- 2 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10)
- Tactical Lunges (2 sets of 10 each leg)

Cool Down:  Walk outside (5 mins)

29 Minutes - 474 Calories burned

Post Workout - 1 glass 2% milk with 1 scoop whey protein

Overall, I am excited that I have lost 2 lbs with only doing 3 workout sessions.  This exhilarates me and makes me want to continue on because I know I have it in me to lose so much more and reach my dreams and goals.  I am continuing with my workouts every other day, and I know that I will lose a whole lot more as the time goes by.

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