Thursday, February 3, 2011

Workout for the day

My workout for the day:

Warm-up: March in place (5 mins with 3 lb dumbbells)

CIRCUIT (8 lb kettlebell)
- 1 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- Kettlebell Clean & Press (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- 2 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10)
- 1 Arm Squat Press (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- 1 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10 each arm)
- Halos (2 sets of 10)
- 2 Arm Swing (2 sets of 10)

Cool down:  5 minute walk outside

Total workout - 20 minutes 36 seconds
336 calories burned

Post workout:
- 1 glass 2% milk with 1 scoop of whey protein
- 1 slice of bread with peanut butter

After working out for a week, I am going to increase the sets that I do my next workout.  In addition, I feel awesome that I am sticking with my goal of working out, and I plan to continue with it.

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